64 Studio - Trac: "64 Studio develops a distribution of native free software for digital content creation on x86_64 hardware (that's AMD's 64-bit CPUs and Intel's EM64T chips). It's based on the pure 64 port of Debian GNU/Linux, but with a specialised package selection and lots of other customisations. We also produce custom versions for our OEM partners, and a 32-bit edition for legacy PC hardware. Curious? See the FrequentlyAskedQuestions or take a look at our PressRelease. You can also read what PeopleSay about 64 Studio.
You can now DownloadAnInstaller for version 1.0 (both 64-bit and 32-bit versions). This will install Debian with X.org, the Gnome 2.14 desktop, Linux kernel 2.6.17 with realtime preemption patches (including a realtime SMP kernel for AMD64 dual core and multi-processor machines) and a selection of creative applications. These applications cover audio and music, video, 2D and 3D graphics, publishing for the web or print, and the internet and office tools a creative user is likely to need for their daily work. Adding your favourite packages from Debian testing is as easy as apt-get, or a few clicks in Synaptic.
To upgrade from a previous install to the latest release, please see the UpgradeScript page. You can take a look at our open bugs and wishlist tickets too. And just because everyone likes a screenshot, here are Gnome, Ardour, Hydrogen, Jamin and Qjackctl running on 64 Studio:"
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