deviantART: Slender rat by ~Avarre: "Quick story on the picture, first off i wanted to do a symmetrical piece, mayby one of those creepy clowns you see that scare the living daylights out of kids. Something eerie again with a twist.
Then I wanted to play with the lines.. First it was a clown, then because it had too round head it turned out to be a cat. Cats are cool, early tom was cool, cats in warner cartoons are wicked. Then I started to have some trouble with the ears, they became to pointy + something was off..
So the ears had some work and then it hit me a rat. And because a friend of mine is making fame with a Finnish rap group called notkea rotta (lets call it slender rat, because I can't come up with better eng name for them) It all became too clear, so it became a rat.
And after playing with the rat it became a fan-art fake cd cover..."